The Benefits of Big Data Technologies for Remote PLC Data Management
In recent years, edge computing has emerged as a term describing how to process PLC data on distributed equipment control centers, offering businesses in many industries wide ranging benefits. If PLC data can integrate and enhance centralized ERP and MRP data technologies, which use tools and processes to analyze huge amounts of data then deep optimization benefits should be realized. As a still relatively new and complex form of systems thinking, it is worth taking a close look at edge computing and the benefits that it brings for remote PLC data management.
What is Edge Computing?
So, what is edge computing? This involves bringing computing, really mass data processingas close to the source of data as possible to reduce the need for long distance communication between a client and a server. Essentially, this means running fewer processes in the cloud and instead moving those processes to local places, such as on a computer or Internet of Things (IoT) device. Edge computing is becoming prominent in many industries, particularly those where real-time decision making is key, such as energy, utilities and manufacturing.
Here are a few of the key benefits of using edge computing for remote PLC data management:
Real-Time Data Processing
One of the key benefits of edge computing for remote PLC data management is real-time data processing using the PLC data as the ‘source code’. When data is processed much closer to the source without the need to send the data to the cloud or a distant server, you can capture, store and process parameters not typically shared such as inputs, setpoints, persistence times, control loop setpoints. Storing data at the Edge and processing locally increases the capabilities of PLC control centers to become more intelligent nodes on the network. Embeddind data memory creates the opportunity to create embedded intelligence, data trends can be analysed and instant decisions can be made locally. Devices integrated with PLC networks can process alarms, inputs, and error messages, which can be helpful for fault detection and better uptime. This can integrate with centralized ERP and MRP technologies for valuable and real-time insights.
Optimise Bandwidth Usage
Another way that edge computing is beneficial for remote PLC data management is optimising bandwidth usage by reducing latency. With data being processed and filtered locally, this will reduce the volume of data sent to central servers. PLCs are known to generate vast amounts of data which is not stored, so only transmitting consolidated and processed key information can reduce the burden on telemetry systems and network congestion. With the use of big data technologies, businesses can prioritize essential data and manage noncritical data locally.
Another key benefit of edge computing for remote PLC data management is scalability. You have the ability to translate and synchronize multiple unique ladder logic programs into harmonized data streams from different PLCs and locations, helping you to avoid complicated and expensive infrastructure changes as you have a scalable solution. Big data technologies enable the integration of multiple PLCs into a unified network, which provides industrial businesses with greater flexibility when scaling their operations up or down.
Edge Computing technology willprovide financial benefits, which will always pique the attention of decision-makers. This is because processing data closer to the source prevents the need to send data back and forth between remote sites and data centres, reducing the need for cloud storage and bandwidth. In industries where remote operations are common, edge computing can significantly lower costs, helping to boost the bottom line along with the other benefits of edge systems for remote PLC data management. Implementing big data technologies can further improve cost-efficiency by empowering businesses to improve data flow and reduce expenses.
As you can see, there are wide-ranging benefits to using edge computing and big data technologies for remote PLC data management. With the ability to process data closer to the source, operators can benefit from real-time data processing, bandwidth optimisation, enhanced cloud security, scalability, remote management and cost-efficiency.
Integrated edge systems can empower businesses in industrial settings and improve process optimization, fault identification and technical support. This can help keep downtime to a minimum and improve overall business efficiency, helping businesses get the most out of their industrial equipment and maintain high productivity levels.
If you want to learn more about how our patented solutions can transform your PLC controller into an edge computing data source and shine a light on your hidden data, do not hesitate to get in touch with the team and we will be happy to tell you more.