Semiconductor Subfab Edge Computing at Major US Semiconductor Manufacturer
About the project
A major US semiconductor manufacturer approached datumpin with the challenge of streamlining their operations by developing a single synchronised data stream from fragmented subfab equipment controllers direct to individual Process Tools. Essentially, this involved bridging the gap between different equipment connectors, communication protocols and vendors software formats to build a unified data network and enable process optimzation.
With the goal of creating a seamless flow of data, we aimed to develop an effective solution utilising our advanced data collection technology. The goal of this was to gather inputs, outputs, alarm messages and setpoints from a range of equipment, including dry vacuum pumps, pipeline heaters, abatement systems and ancillary devices, to create a local data network hosted on a datumpin embedded data memory eDM PLC Gateway.
The overall aim of the project for the semiconductor manufacturer was to enable better synchronisation between subfab equipment and Process Tools, allowing for improved semiconductor wafer processing yields.
Challenges & Objectives
The project presented a few notable challenges. Primarily, the range of subfab equipment from multiple vendors with different controller models and communication protocols made creating a new communication interface to connect, translate and synchronise fragmented data sources challenging.
To overcome this challenge, datumpin engineers developed a local data network with configurable subfab equipment data selections. This allowed for the synchronisation of data streams from different equipment types and established a single communication channel to each Process Tool, such as Inficon FabGuard Integrated Process Monitor (IPM). This provided the semiconductor manufacturer with full Process Tool system monitoring capability for the first time.
Datumpin’s data synchronisation solution delivered positive results for the manufacturer and the project was deemed a complete success by both parties.
With multiple datumpin subfab data networks installed, the major US semiconductor manufacturer has significantly improved its equipment status monitoring and trending benefits. They were able to increase Process Tool availability, automate their subfab preventative maintenance scheduling, and reduce wafer processing interruptions.
A key benefit of Datumpin’s embedded data memory technology was the capability to network multiple vendors’ equipment independently without a single equipment vendor solution. The collaboration also created performance metrics via data analytics providing real insight into the manufacturer’s operations, uncovering new opportunities for subfab monitoring improvement and process optimization.
Additionally, we were able to synchronise subfab maintenance workflows to empower the manufacturer to deliver maximum benefit from equipment investments. The integration of datumpin’s Edge Computing and PLC Gateway technology with Inficon increased productivity levels and efficiency improvements.
With this successful project using our embedded technology, Datumpin once again established its position as a leader in data technology solutions. We pride ourselves on our ability to help customers overcome their data challenges to achieve their operational goals and drive business growth.